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Pacific Desert Lines

Built and Maintained by the San Diego Society of N Scale


Pacific Desert Lines is part of the San Diego Model Railroad Musuem. The San Diego Model Railroad Museum is in the Case de Balboa Building in Balboa Park.

San Diego Model Railroad Museum
1649 El Prado
San Diego, CA, 92101

Pacific Desert Lines

The San Diego Society of N Scale maintains the Pacific Desert Lines layout. In approximately 1500 square feet, the layout models the original 1855 route that was surveyed and planned for the San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railroad but was never built. N Scale is 1/160 actual size, or one modeled inch to one hundred and sixty actual inches.

The layout models a number of San Diego landmarks including the Carlsbad Flower Fields, Carrizo Gorge, and the Downtown. Throughout the layout there are quirky hidden surprises. See if you can spot the pool shark!

Goat Canyon Trestle

Goat Canyon Trestle in the Carriso Gorge!